Tuesday, February 17, 2009


As promised, this entry is about the Ditto delivery system. Ditto is an automatic replenishment program that (Quixtar) allows its users to schedule recurring shipments of the products they choose. Orders can be scheduled for processing on any day of the month you wish, and the spreadsheet let's you know exactly how much you are scheduled to spend per month.

With the ecomomy being as volatile as it is, presetting spending can be a useful money saving tool; but at the same time, no one wants to be locked into a decision months in advance. That's why everything is completely adjustable at your discretion- at any time before the processing day you can tweak or even cancel your order. Not only that, you are notified via email one week before your order is scheduled to process so you have time to make any last minute changes. 

Getting started with it is a really easy process.

The first step is to create a new Ditto list so you can begin placing items on it. 
Under the very first menu, there is link that will redirect you to the ditto section of the site. Once there you should see a screen like the one on the right. 

Clicking "Create" will take you 
through an easy, 6 step process that will gather with necessary information for shipping and processing. At the very end you'll be able to name your new list. 

Your Ditto will obvioulsy be empty at first, but there are two ways to  start adding the products you want. If you happen to know the item number you can enter it in directly. The odds are, though, that you don't.  The second method is straightforward, too.  
All you have to do is shop the way you normally would; but instead of adding the item to your cart, you can choose to add it your new list by clicking the "Ditto & Lists" button and selecting your recently created list. 

Chosing the "Ditto Scheduled Orders" link underneath the "My Links" menu a the top of the page will take you back to the main Ditto section and let you view your Ditto.

You'll notice that you can now schedule out how many of an item you want shipped to you for every month. At the bottom it even tells you how much you are spending, too. 

Even though the set up is straightforward, it can be intimidating. That's why I am here. It's always my pleasure to help anyway I can. Technology is amazing these days, so if you shoot me an email at BJonesIBO@yahoo.com we can connect and figure out the best way I can be of assistance. 

Thanks to everyone for checking all of this out and supporting me in my latest endeavor. As a token of my appreciation, everyone who uses Ditto  to order their goods will recieve IBO pricing for as long as they continue to use it.

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